Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Father, Please Help

Our Father, Please Help

It's vital for Christians to spend time with God. In my circles, we call it "quiet time".

Any relationship needs one-to-one time. The Lord has promised that He would never leave us. But do we leave Him? Sometimes we do. (Even if not by way of some sin.)

For me, it's a struggle to make that time. Probably partly my natural disorganized psyche. Partly surely the crunch of circumstances.

I thank God for "the Lord's Prayer". Some days, that's all I can manage. On most days, that's how I start anyway: consciously repeating the words from Matthew 6 and Luke 11. And listen.

Not fond of ritual, I avoided repetition in my own life for many years. But now, for the sake of consistency, I do it, almost daily. I need it. If I can do more, cover a list of things to talk with Him about, spend a little time reading His Word, so much the better. But I gotta have something. I don't need a liturgy, I just need Him.

-- R; <><

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Faithfulness

Father's Faithfulness

In Luke chapter 16 and verse 10, Jesus said, "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.".  So ... be faithful in the small things, even things that seem humiliating.

When I was in college, my dad was in grad school.  He and Mom had many jobs to make ends meet.  I remember for one job, dad worked the graveyard shift.  I also remember that I was impressed with his assignment.  But later I learned that he dreaded it.  But he did it.

One night, I was home from school, I went out to the site to hang out with Dad for a while.   I remember very little of what we said, but I remember the time.  I especially remember how proud I was of him.

My parents grew up in church.  As is typical in our culture, they didn't "get it".  Then a friend introduced them to another friend who took the time to explain the Gospel, they were sinners, apart from God, and needed redemption.  When they understood, they believed!  They wanted my sister and me to understand too.  We did (I took longer), and we also believed!  They shared this revelation with friends and family, even employees.  My dad and his business partner (also a believer) got so active sharing Christ with colleagues and clients that Dad considered getting formally into ministry.  That's how he wound up in grad school: seminary.

After graduating, Dad held a number of ministerial jobs, including pastoring the church where my wife's family attended.  That's how we met.  My dad's faithfulness in small things led to bigger things and eventually blessed me in a really big way.

So there we were, visiting briefly at his late night / early morning job.  Later I learned how insignificant he felt in that place.  I was shocked, because I was so impressed, and I let him know.

Thanks, Dad, for sticking with it.
The time will come when your Heavenly Father will say "well done".

-- R; <><

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heartbeat of Heaven

Heartbeat of Heaven

I found the lyrics to Steven Curtis Chapman's "Heartbeat of Heaven" in several places, notably at his own web site.  Cool!  It's a great song ... lyrically, musically, ... theologically.

Loving, joyful, peaceful, patient
Kind and good and full of faith
Self-controlled and gentle
Oh the heart of heaven beats this way

The fruit of the Spirit; scripture in song.  I love this stuff.  Galatians 5:22,23 on CD ... and on the web.  Then to the following verse, many of us can relate directly.  For me, another brush happened this past Friday.

I pulled up to the stop sign and I saw him standing there
The cardboard sign he held said he was hungry
I looked the other way and waited for the light to change
As if to say, I'd help but I'm in such a hurry
These are the moments of truth
What would love have me do

There was a man I had seen before standing at an intersection near my office, the corner of the Wendy's lot, taking handouts as they were given.  Last time I saw him, weeks ago, I looped around with the intention of offering him a burger.  But he was gone.  This time, I just drove on back to the office.

Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want you to be my own
Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want my life to show
The kind of love that comes and goes
With the heartbeat of heaven

When I saw the beggar again, this song came to mind.  I'm a musically driven guy (and very emotive), and this piece hits home ... er, uh ... "resonates" with me.

I know at times this heart of mine beats only for itself
Full of thoughts and dreams, plans and problems
But this heart beating here in me belongs to someone else
He bought it with His life to show His love
This is my prayer, Lord, today
Let this heart beat away

The "thoughts and dreams / plans and problems" part has invaded my focus lately.  I have a good job and comfortable home, but what of my daily effort matters for eternity?  Too little.  It's hard to believe that God bought my salvation with His own life.  And why?  To show His love.  Wow.

Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want you to be my own
Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want my life to show
The kind of love that comes and goes
With the heartbeat of heaven

When we were visiting New York City years ago, I had lunch with my sister and my parents.  In front of the place was a man asking for a handout, so my sister went back into the restaurant and bought him some fries.  As I recall, he slapped them out of her hand.  (Guessing he didn't really want to eat as much as something else.  Who knows?)  This fosters my skepticism.  Thankfully, God continues to provide us food, and something way better, even after we reject Him.  It's pretty humbling.

Some people are in truly dire straits.  I KNOW that, so I'm not slamming the homeless.  I'm simply using this journal as a place to express embarrassment at my own bad attitude. 

Loving, joyful, peaceful, patient
Kind and good and full of faith
Self-controlled and gentle
Oh the heart of heaven beats this way

Mr. Chapman and his team were kind enough to put the complete lyrics on his web site.  There's a sample of the tune too.  It's good!  Probably could have made the point with only part of that text, but could not bring myself to cut any of it.

Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want you to be my own
Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want my life to show
Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want you to be my own
Oh, heartbeat of heaven, I want my life, I want my life to show

-- R; <><