Friday, September 8, 2017

Conservative != Christian

Conservative != Christian

I was talking with a friend about some "liberal" ideals he holds. The man grew up as a Christian. How did he come to such a position? But I realized, as I have for a long time, that "conservative" is not what we as Christians are called to be.

More important than your political view is your life in view of Christ. Life is precious. Yes, the life of the unborn is precious, and you do well as a Christian to value that, to defend that. And yes, "pro-life" is the conservative stance, but the politics don't matter as much as the people. Jesus died for the "pro-choice" employee at the abortion clinic no less than He died for you.

Straight != Hate

Several months ago, I learned about the child of a friend making a dramatic lifestyle change. The kid was raised as a Believer but wants to change from one gender to the other. I cannot imagine how the parents feel. It hurts. (But why does it hurt? I'm not affected. Or am I?) I haven't seen these people for years and live hundreds of miles away, so what difference should it make? But everything we do has an impact on other people. I feel angst over this.

Anger is a struggle. It's easier to rage against the imorality, even shut such a person out of your life. But James says that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. This is an impossible position. How can you love the sinner unless you accept their sin? (Matt 19:24-26)

Salvation vs Celebrity

I heard about a famous actress who came to faith in Christ. Wow! Great! For anyone to get saved is cause for celebration. (Luke 15:8-10) People on the screen or on stage or in the news become significant to us. It's weird, but real. And this woman's story is intriguing. She was known to be in-your-face offensive to many while a hero to others. We presumed she'd change her public posture, take on only "family friendly" roles, perhaps denounce previous misdeeds. Not necessarily.

I hope this lady is surrounded by Believers who continue to accept her as God does, in spite of her past, forgiving her failings, and not laying legalistic burdens on her. She doesn't have to prove anything to us. Our job is to know Christ, to love Him, obey Him, follow Him, not dictate the direction of His other children.


There has been a lot of public protest both for and against the removal of confederate symbols throughout the US. (It's September of 2017 as I write this.) I have not resolved the matter, don't know quite what to say or endorse. There was a terrible war and a lot of twisted argument more than 100 years ago. In the end, the right side won. But hearts are not changed by military might.

The "left" and "right" are a jumble. Monuments were set-up to honor men who's most prominent actions offend me. Yet our judgement escalates to Numemberg status which offends me even more. How should I respond? Everything we do has an impact on other people, and I know that these monuments and memories have caused pain for people I will never meet. 

Dear God, please change my heart. Let me be known as a Christian whether I'm labeled conservative or liberal. 

-- R; <><